Quick Bircher Muesli

We usually put bircher muesli in the fridge overnight but this takes just 10 minutes whilst you are making a quick hot spiced apple.


2 Tablespoons of organic oats

1 Tablespoon of chia seeds

1 Teaspoon of goji berries

1 Teaspoon of pumpkin seeds

1 Cup of organic whole milk or nut milk alternative

1 Tablespoon of double cream or coconut cream

1 Teaspoon of vanilla essence

2 Apples

1 Teaspoon of ground cinnamon

Juice of 1 orange & zest

Method: Mix oats, seeds, berries, vanilla, milk and cream and leave to expand, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile roughly chop the apples and simmer with orange and spice till just soft.

Assemble together whilst the apples are hot, delicious together. Left over apple can be eaten for breakfast the next day with yoghurt and granola.


Marmalade Granola


Apple Muffins